One thing I love about blogs are sites like Technorati that make it easy for others to find blog entries. […]
Category: Tech
Rescue me!
I continue to be impressed with the Windows tools in Helix, but have decided that it is really geared more […]
Helix & Knoppix
Well, I’m not sure where I got the previous information, but Helix is based on Knoppix. What really surprised me, […]
Linux Forensics
I stumbled on Knoppix STD, and since I had used Knoppix (Linux that will run from CD), I was curious […]
Macromedia Flex
Macromedia has a Flash tool designed to work with web services and other Java technologies, called Flex. As it turns […]
Linux Distributions
I never realized how many Linux distributions there were until I saw Recently I found a Distribution Chooser — […]
Debian Observations
Ok, so I’ve had it installed for less than a day, and I’ve got very little actually installed on it, […]
Installing Debian
Well, Debian 3.1 (sarge) is up and running, with a dual boot to Windows XP Professional. This post is pretty […]
For my next trick…
The hard drive on my Dell died (which is a whole separate story that I had hoped to tell, but […]
My goal: device independence
The recent failure of my home computer has gotten me thinking about the way I use technology. I love computers, […]