I couldn’t get Xen to work on Fedora. I was following a quick start guide, but the computer failed to […]
The Fedora Experiment
I noticed recently that Fedora Core 5 includes Xen (or at least makes it easier to install). I hadn’t used […]
Verizon *228
I learned a new trick yesterday. Apparently if you dial *228, you can update the software on your phone (option […]
Less del.icio.us, more wiki
I love del.icio.us, and I’ve used it extensively as a way to quickly bookmark things that I want to be […]
Ruby Virus?
Looking back at previous posts, I can’t believe I haven’t mentioned Ruby or Rails yet. I guess I did post […]
Let the Flexing Begin
In my last post about Flex, I mentioned that there was a non-commercial license available. Well, I took the time […]
I got an idea for a web site — MoneyTrail.com. The domain is taken but not active. My idea is […]
Cubicle Art
I’m not sure it really qualifies as art, but over the course of a year at work, my coworkers and […]
Wacky Wiki
I have a much longer post in the works (mentally) on a related topic, but I had to get this […]
Sysinternals Freeware
I’ve been looking for a replacement for the built-in task manager, and I just found a good (free) one called […]